Law and Ethics of Neurotechnology in Criminal Justice (LENC)


2-5 April 2024
Naomi van de Pol,  ‘Neuro-interventions in criminal justice: Researching fundamental rights’, Workshop ‘Dealing with Dangerousness: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Risk and Prevention in Criminal Law’, 2-5 April Leiden (Lorentz Centre).

21-22 March 2024
Naomi van de Pol,  ‘Do we need neurorights to protect our mental integrity? An analysis of Article 8 ECHR’, Conference ‘Bridging the gap between neurorights and cyberights: introducing new ethical and legal safeguards for protecting humans in the digital era’, 21-22 March 2024, Pisa.

10 October 2023
Emma Dore-Horgan – Invited lecture, ‘Respect for Persons as Social Beings: A Right to Rehabilitation’, Boole Lecture Series in Philosophy, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.

7 October 2023
Emma Dore-Horgan – Presentation, ‘Restoration, Three: Punishment, Nil’, 4th International SAFI (Societas Aperta Feminarum in Iuris Theoria) Conference, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.

23 September 23
Symposium on rights for the mind, A’dam Tower in Amsterdam.

21 September 2023
Sjors Ligthart, invited talk ‘Emerging Neurotechnology and Human Rights for the Mind’, Symposium Decoding your Thoughts: Can AI read your Mind? | Tilburg University, 21 September 2023, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

3 June 2023
Emma Dore-Horgan – Presentation ‘Rehabilitative Justice: Respect for Persons as Social Beings’, OZSW (Dutch Research School of Philosophy) Conference 2023, June 3rd 2023,  Leiden, the Netherlands

11 May 2023
Vera Tesink – Presentation ‘The right to mental integrity and the extended mind’, The Italian Society for Neuroethics and the International Neuroethics Society (SINe-INS) Conference, May 11th 2023, Pisa, Italy

Emma Dore-Horgan – Poster Presentation ‘Becoming Social: A Moral Right To Acquire (Greater) Social Abilities Through Neurotechnology?’, The Italian Society for Neuroethics and the International Neuroethics Society (SINe-INS) Conference, May 11th 2023, Pisa-Lucca, Italy.

13 April 2023
Sjors Ligthart, invited talk RECOGNISE event, Coercive brain-reading in criminal justice: Mental privacy and freedom of thought, April 13th, 2023Maastricht University.

7 April 2023
Gerben Meynen, Presentatie ‘Neurorecht’. Nacht van de filosofie Amsterdam. Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond, Amsterdam.

30 March 2023
Sjors Ligthart, invited talk, Freedom of Though Network Events, Coercive brain-reading in criminal justice: Mental privacy and freedom of thought, March 30th, 2023 , 6pm CET (online)

15 December 2022
Trilogie van de Rechtsstaat Deel I: de rechter en de psychiater – op het snijvlak van psychiatrie, strafrecht en ethiek. Interview door Karin van den Boogaert over neurorecht, met daaraan voorafgaand presentatie over dit thema. Sjors Ligthart en Gerben Meynen. Faculty Club, Academiegebouw, Universiteit Utrecht

8 November 2022 
Sjors Ligthart – Invited talk at symposium ‘Baas in Eigen Brein’, 8 November 2022, Perdu, Amsterdam.

16 september 2022
Sjors Ligthart – Invited talk at Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leidse Publieksdag 2022 Brein & Recht.

1 September 2022
Naomi van de Pol – Presentation ‘Neuro-interventions in criminal justice: The prohibition of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment’, Conference of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) on Technology and the Future of Human Rights. Pretoria, South Africa.

3 March 2022
Naomi van de Pol – Presentatie ‘Neurotechnologie in het strafrecht en het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens’, symposium Neurotechnieken: de toekomst van het strafrecht? Grenzen aan het gebruik van onder andere hersenscans voor leugendetectie in de rechtszaal. Ad Informandum (studievereniging voor strafrecht en criminologie Universiteit Utrecht). Doopsgezinde Kerk, Oudegracht 270, Utrecht.

Gerben Meynen – Presentatie ‘Verantwoord gebruik van neurotechnologie in het strafrecht’, symposium Neurotechnieken: de toekomst van het strafrecht? Grenzen aan het gebruik van onder andere hersenscans voor leugendetectie in de rechtszaal. Ad Informandum (studievereniging voor strafrecht en criminologie Universiteit Utrecht). Doopsgezinde Kerk, Oudegracht 270, Utrecht.

28 January 2022 
Gerben Meynen – Presentation ‘Responsible use of neurotechnology in criminal justice’. Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Forensics. Sapienza University of Rome. Rome, Italy.

14 December 2021
Sjors Ligthart – Invited talk at the conference on Neurotechnology, Criminal Law and Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Sidney

Dit project wordt gefinancierd door de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO). Vici-project: Targeting the offender’s brain. A unified normative framework for the evaluation of neurotechniques in criminal justice, project nummer VI.C.201.067.